Project: Wonderful Philippines

by Mary Ann T. Vallente, supported by #GLOBEProjectWonderful2014

"If there is one thing you can give to the Philippines, what is that gift?"
If I had all the riches in this world, I wouldn't give anything to our country, Philippines. What for? Our nation is already blessed with intelligent, brave, talented and creative citizens.  Not to mention the diverse and vast natural resources that had once made it a battlefield of foreign forces. It also has a very colorful and remarkable history.The navigator who manned the first ever circumnavigation of the globe, Ferdinand Magellan, was killed here (and the list goes on and on).

If I had the riches in the world, I would trade it for supernatural power so I can be the Philippine’s fairy godmother. But there’s no way I will bestow material wealth as a gift because I know it will only be controlled by a few people in the super class who will just invoke their right against self- incrimination in the senate hearing. I know better!

I will instead give “Discipline” as a gift. I’ll close my eyes and imagine “me” handing the gift to our motherland (insert a shining box here). Being a good mother, she will distribute it evenly to all of those who lack such thing including, of course, our politicians. And then, I will see a wonderful state unfolding before my eyes…a thoroughfare free of traffic congestion, walls without any trace of vandalism, clean and passable sidewalks, rich vegetation, empty police precincts, TV networks broadcasting good news and values, an orderly and honest election, peaceful Metro Rail Transit, my countrymen talking to each other with respect and compassion. But I can only wish.  

Don’t call me crazy yet. You see, if you try to look around, you'll realize that you desperately need a miracle to change things overnight. Like me, you'll realize that our longing to live in a wonderful community is a hopeless pursuit…an impossible feat. And so is my pursuit to become Philippines’s fairy godmother. (Laughs)

But I will still pretend I am that supernatural being though. I will pretend that I am that person who can leave his house without having to worry about any crooks breaking in. I will pretend that I am that lady who can confidently walk in the street even in the wee hours of the night. I will pretend that I am that citizen who is satisfied with the results of the election. I guess I can only play pretend and convince myself I am insane…and that these things only exist maybe in the parallel universe or somewhere else.

I believe that the only thing that separates the real educated and the semi- educated is discipline. I haven’t been to Singapore or Japan where discipline is a way of life but I know how it looks like. It takes no supernatural power to change the way things are. It takes a change of mindset. It takes courage. And I know it’s not going to happen anytime soon in the country but I know it can happen any time NOW within me. That’s my gift. J

Now, it's your turn! Sound off in the comments below by answering the question: “If there is one thing you can give to the Philippines, what is that gift?”

From the winning entry (in case mine will be chosen) Globe will also choose a winning wish from the comments on the blog and the chosen reader will also get an iPad Mini 2.

The contest will officially start on January 9, 2014 and will end on January 29, 2014

You can put the hashtag  #GLOBEProjectWonderful2014 on your comments. Thanks to Globe for this opportunity!


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